The parents and citizens' association (P&C) provides valuable support to the school and is instrumental in raising funds to support school programs, provides parents with a forum to meet with other parents to discuss a range of issues. Meetings are usually held once a month on a nominated day at either 9am or 7:30pm at school. Parents and community members are encouraged to attend and support these meetings.
The Cowan Public School P&C is a not-for-profit organisation which is established to promote the interests of the school by bringing together parents, citizens, students and teaching staff in close cooperation and to assist in providing facilities and equipment for the school and in promoting the recreation and welfare of the students at the school.
Membership is open to all parents and guardians of students attending the school, and to all citizens. Our school P&C is always keen to welcome new members. Annual membership is a gold coin donation and entitles you to be involved in the decision-making of the P&C. It is also a great way to meet other parents, and get a greater insight into school activities.
In the past few years, the P&C has upgraded the school playground, organised the school bush dance, assisted in the establishment of out of school hours (OOSH) and the guitar and percussion groups. We have also cooked a lot of sausages in our fundraising efforts.
We warmly invite you to become a member of the Cowan Public School P&C and to attend our next meeting - TBA, in our School Library—your contribution would be greatly appreciated.
P&C Executive Committee Nomination Form
Executive Committee
President—Jess Osypenko
Vice President—Leanne Meyers
Treasurer—Gwen Matcham
Secretary—Leanne Meyers
Uniforms—Emma Edwards
Agendas and Minutes
Section 117 of the Education Reform Act 1990 requires that the prescribed constitution (PDF 112KB) for parents and citizens' associations incorporated under the Federation of Parents and Citizens' Association of New South Wales Incorporation (Amendment) Act 1991, be published by the Minister in the education gazette. We encourage parents to read the by-laws (PDF 97KB) related to the school P&C
The code of conduct (PDF 139KB) applies to all financial members, volunteers, and employees who are members of Cowan Public School P&C while undertaking any role or activity related to the school P&C.